Basic H2® Biodegradable Cleaner

Basic H2® Biodegradable Cleaner


Supersafe, Powerful, All-Purpose Cleaning Concentrate

Basic H2 dominates grease, grime, and dirt in a thousand different ways. One 16-ounce bottle makes 48 gallons of powerful cleaner. Made with sustainably sourced ingredients.

Superconcentrated and supersafe. All you need for thousands of household jobs.

  • 16 ounces makes 48 gallons of superpowerful, all-purpose cleaner
  • Cuts through the most stubborn grease and grime, leaving no smeary residue
  • Removes dirt, grease, and grime from any washable surface indoors or outdoors:Walls
    Windows and mirrors
    Sealed countertops, tiles, and floors
    Stoves and ovens
    Other appliances
    Sealed woodwork
    Pots and pans
    Driveways and engine grease
    Barbecue grills

(Not intended for use in aquariums or windshield-washer reservoirs.)



  • General cleaning: ¼ teaspoon + 16 ounces of water in a spray bottle
  • Floors: 1 tablespoon + 1 gallon of water
  • Windows, mirrors: 1-2 drops + 16 ounces of water in a spray bottle


  • Ovens, microwaves: 1½ teaspoons + 16 ounces of water in a spray bottle
  • Driveways, grills, pots & pans: 2 ounces + 1 gallon of water

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